It’s important to design a thriving business that fits you, your lifelong goals, vision and purpose.


Most entrepreneurs never really take full ownership over their business, their business in many ways, own’s them.

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Taking Ownership of Your Business


It’s important to design a thriving holistic business that fits you, your goals, vision and purpose.

Most entrepreneurs never build their holistic business to fit their goals, vision and purpose, they build a business as a place for their clients to get treated.   

It’s important to design a thriving holistic business that fits you, your lifelong goals, vision and purpose.

When many entrepreneurs in the holistic health industry first start building their business, they just build a place for people to show up and get treated. We understand because that’s how we started out too.

The problem with that is we tend to build a business without a true direction or a solid foundation. Our business ends up spiraling out of control and then takes us in a direction we may not want to go.

When we don’t know what our true business and lifelong goals are, we end up building a business that is very stressful and burns us out. We don’t have ownership of our business, in many ways, our business owns us.

We don’t want that for you because we know when you take ownership of all aspects of your business, it will give you the confidence and the security you want as an entrepreneur.

Building the Right Holistic Business for You

We make sure the thriving business you build is the right business for you in the short-term and in the future. The last thing we want you to do is to put the time and effort into building a business and then years later discover your business is not the business which you dreamed of.

We’ve seen it with many of the entrepreneurs we have helped. Many times the entrepreneurs we have worked with have found that they built a business that was not in-line with their true lifelong goals, vision and purpose.

the spiritual entrepreneur

They’ve been chasing something for years which they didn’t really want and this leads to stress, being overwhelmed and burnt out.

Once they understood their true lifelong business and personal goals then everything changed for them. They took ownership of their business, became less stressed and much more motivated because they knew what to do and why they were doing it.

spirituality entrepreneur

Ownership of all Aspects of Your Holistic Business

Many entrepreneurs will pay someone to do some or most of the technical aspects of building their business online.

This is a good short-term solution but in the long run, this can seriously hurt or kill your business.

We know this from years of experience and lost income.

Your website and your online assets are some of your business’s most valuable assets and you don’t want to have someone else controlling your assets. This is a part of taking ownership of your business.


If something technical needs to be fixed or tweaked, you should at least be able to communicate with the person that you are hiring and have an understanding of what needs to be fixed or tweaked.

We want you to know and understand the basic technical aspects of your holistic business because this is your business and your future. We will walk you through how to build your online business assets even if you’re not very technically inclined. If we learned how to do, so can you.

Once you have taken ownership of all aspects of your business and you have a solid direction, goals and intention, it makes the creation process much easier and faster.

The building process will be less stressful and much easier because you’ll know specifically what you need to do, where you want to take your business, how to get there.


In the Next Level Healer Coaching program… you will build the solid foundation which your thriving holistic health business needs to carry you into the future you want and give you the income and freedom you desire.

Our goal for you is to give you 100% control and ownership of all aspects of your holistic business because we want you to have confidence in running your business and the security you want from your business.

Whether you want to build a holistic health business as a small side gig business, a business which you want to sell at some point or something in-between, we want you to have ownership of all aspects of your business.

Taking 100% ownership of your business is part of your personal growth and when you grow, so does your business.

When you have control and ownership of your holisitc business then you can share your healing gift to more people and that’s our goal for you.


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Working with a Personal Success Coach is the first step to building your holistic healthcare business easier and faster. It takes all the guess work out of building your business.

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