If you’re not healthy, neither is your business. It takes energy to be an entrepreneur.


If you’re healthy, you’re able to help more people and have more energy to focus on your clients, your business and your family.

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Having Ownership of Your Body is Key to a Successful Business

If you’re not healthy… neither is your business!

Health matters for everyone but sometimes as entrepreneurs we can get focused on building our business and we can lose track of taking care of our body and our mental health.

Taking care of yourself not only gives you a longer life but also a higher quality one. Entrepreneurs, unfortunately, are among the worst at taking care of themselves.  We tend to work long hours and take little time off. The entrepreneur lifestyle can lead to a range of physical and mental health conditions.

Entrepreneurs tend to become hyper-focused on their business; they don’t step away from their business, have  regular exercise routines or eat a healthy diet. This is especially true when an entrepreneur is in the building phase of their business.

Being in the health and wellness industry, it’s more important than ever to focus on the ownership of your body. The one-on-one care we give to our clients can be very draining at times, both mentally and physically.

The healthier you are, the more energy you will have and you can give more to your clients and to your family.

The main reasons why successful entrepreneurs should never ignore their health

You Are Your Business

You are your business’s most important asset. Without you, you don’t have a business, especially if you’re a solopreneur. You can’t be replaced if the worst happens. The one thing you can’t replace in your business is you!

If you miss three days from work because you’re sick, that’s three days of lost income and productivity.

If this happens constantly over the year, this can have a huge impact on your business and your income. For this reason alone, one of your main priorities should be to avoid illness and take care of yourself.

entrepreneur health
entrepreneur health

Physical Fitness Effects Every Aspect of Your Life 

Physical fitness directly influences your mental health and your energy levels.

The most successful entrepreneurs understand that being physically fit will help guard you against illnesses and give you the energy to last the long hours which are sometimes required by an entrepreneur.

Being Healthy Keeps You Motivated

Burnout is one of the top reasons why many entrepreneurs fail and lose their business. We tend to live and breathe our health and wellness business. The lack of a 9-5 lifestyle means we never really get to switch off from our business.

After a few years of this type of grind many entrepreneurs will begin to experience entrepreneurial burnout.

Exercise and eating healthy foods can keep up your energy, decrease stress and helps to decrease burnout.

entrepreneur health
entrepreneur health

Entrepreneurs Are Twice as Likely to be Depressed

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs are twice as likely to depressed than non-entrepreneurs.

Stress and anxiety naturally come with being an entrepreneur. This is why it’s critically important to take care of your physical health.

Exercise has been shown to be one the best modalities to manage stress and anxiety and has been shown to increase happiness.



In Next Level Healer we put you first because we understand if you’re not healthy and happy, neither is your business. We know that business growth is personal growth and taking ownership of your body is part of your personal growth.

Take ownership of your body… eat right, exercise your body, get proper sleep… and you’ll reward yourself with more energy, greater focus, and a heightened level of success and happiness.

If you’re ready to take ownership over all aspects of your holistic health business and thrive on your entrepreneurial journey… then the Next Level Healer is for you.


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Working with a Personal Success Coach is the first step to building your holistic healthcare business, easier and faster. It takes all the guess work out of building your business.

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Our Goal: To help 2,000 alternative healthcare, wellness and holistic entrepreneurs build and maintain a thriving practice because we understand the world needs the special healing gifts you have to offer.

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